28 April, 2010

Yarn Bombing

Wow, so life roughed me up a bit and took me away from my blogging! Since August last year..not a lot has happened..except I finished my undergraduate studies, saw my cousin get married, saw my cousin get married in Melbourne's worst hailstorm of 40 years, got work at my university, got promoted to full-time work at my university, got a credit card, had someone hit my car, graduated with a Bachelor of Social Science (with my bf Jhun!), received a real Louis Vuitton wallet as a graduation gift, used a digital SLR camera, and got an iPhone--the latter thus cementing my place in the mainstream lol.

And YES I must confess that my knitting/crocheting/craft adventures have been few and far between. Although, I did in fact melt some vinyl records in my oven to make vinyl record bowls (a little rock n roll, a little Salvador Dali) and knitted myself a laptop carry case. Photos to be uploaded very soon.

God I miss knitting. Which is why I'm super happy that Autumn has pulled up its socks and decided to give us a little crispness to the air (I'm currently frickin freezing in my office) because it means one thing.... Knitting season is back, baby! What are my plans you say? I'm gonna knit me a new scarf or two for this season to match my work wear; black with pom poms on the ends and perhaps a big fat grey wide one which is short and sewed together at the ends to look a little like a clash between collar/capelet/neckwarmer/scarf. What I'm loving this season is anything shiny- bling, jewels, gems, faux diamonds - so I expect to be in the appropriate section at Spotlight (how I miss thee) looking for some to sew or hotglue onto everything I own.

But what I'm really excited about doing this season, and probably forever, is yarn bombing. Also known as yarnbombing, yarn storming, graffiti knitting, or guerilla knitting, it's pretty much what you think it is... knitting stuff and placing them on/in/around things in public.. just like the lamp post cozy picture up there. It's graffiti you can cuddle up to.. and is a victimless crime..I think. Obviously knitted pieces placed out there in public are not meant to last or else I would've kept them in the home, but if a passerby gets a giggle about any of my future doorknob cozies or knitted shoes slung over aerial telephone cables, that's all I was ever after :-)
I'll start slowly on my yarn bombing spree and first use the patches of unfinished projects to tag trees and other urban things in my local area. After a while, I might just do it around where I work. Watch this space for some photos...

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