08 August, 2009

Social Action Projects

I have two main projects forthcoming that will feature predominantly in my knitting and handmaking activities for the next few/many weeks. I got sneaky and tried to find a way to bring my crafty obsession into the realm of academia--in plain words, I've decided to do some knitting and crocheting for the major assessments for two of my subjects at uni this semester.

But I've aligned it with a good cause so it's not just some futile attempt to get easy marks doing what I love. Firstly, I want to practically address the concept of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rethink for my Peace, Sustainability, & World Futures subject; I've tried to consciously turn RRRR into my motto and I believe I'm doing okay as of late (switching off appliances at the wall, checking taps for leaks before bed or going out, shorter showers, turning off engine at drive-thru, eco-bags!). Specifically for this unit, I have plans to crochet ordinary plastic bags into much larger, virtually indestructible reusable shopper bags to take to the supermarket for groceries etc. I do need to come up with some more ideas but essentially, I want to give old items a new purpose for the Greener good. Towards the final days of that subject, I also plan to distribute my handmade resurrected items to students at my university with a pamphlet outlining some tips for going green and making it fun and do-able.

I'm tossing up the idea of whether or not I should hand out my items in exchange for a gold coin donation to be forwarded to an appropriate charity... I suppose it would do no harm; if people want to donate, then good on them!

My other big project is for Community Development: Education for Soccial Justice. The project will involve knitting (or generally handmaking) baby clothes, booties, and blankets with other willing members of the community in order to donate them to the RPA Hospital for the neonatal intensive care unit--for premature babies and newborns. I'm very excited about this one because it will involve the input and effort of more people than just myself. I started my first baby beanie today :-) Tiny things are just so precious!

My dear friend Sandra is making an appearance at my house this afternoon (today is our Craft Day Saturday) so it's just going to be fun-filled with yarn and thread and chai tea and Hungarian bread and laughing and love!

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