04 July, 2009

No Rest For the Wicked

My Lady Brigid (patron deity of creativity) has poked her finger into my brain and wiggled it furiously because all of a sudden I've been attacked by a tsunami of artsy fartsy ideas for me to create for the markets. I've finished a third set of cutlery cozies and decided to take a break from them today because each one takes approximately 25 minutes to complete and RSI is becoming my middle name. But as this entry's title implies, a short break simply meant moving on to another project for a little variety. So while I set aside the cutlery cozies and the dizzying blur of tri-coloured yarns, I crafted some bookmarks out of the printed fabrics that have previously made their appearance. Simple lamination and yarn tassels, and boom! A bookmark you'll wanna brag about, perhaps.

Afterwards, another mini explosion of ideas. I had several spare picture frames on hand and decided to get a bit abstract, although I still tried to remain within the general vicinity of knitting and craft themes. I'm very excited about these! My first artwork for the morning (it is 1 a.m. after all) is basically made up of a brown flower fabric background, and a green button and a blue button tied together on red yarn. To me it speaks of the fragility of the Earth and that not looking after it would be a bad bad thing (death and decay, as represented by brown--dead--flowers in the background).

The second piece is a small one with a tapestry-like fabric in the background and at the front I've arranged pieces of yarn to look like X and Y chromosomes. I like to call this piece "Knitting Is In My Genes". The third piece for this art attack I was having is pretty nifty. It's a plain black frame with plain white background with a handful of buttons thrown in. The buttons vary in size but are only in shades of red, yellow, and green. Stop, Wait, Go! I think the best feature about this piece is that the buttons move around when you shake the frame; essentially, you will never ever see the same artwork (button arrangement) twice. Truly unique! I think I'll call that piece "Moving Pictures".

The last work I completed before I excitedly hopped on to blog to you all about my situation tonight is called "Knit 1, Sip 1". On a plain white background I've made a coffee stain with the bottom of a mug (but really I used my chai tea :-) and simply wrote knit 1, sip 1 underneath it. Minimal, yes, but a knitter knows ;-)

It is now nearly 2 a.m. and I probably should get to bed on account of work starting at 11:30 a.m. and I do love my sleep. Now I must thank whatever powers that be that inspired this onset of creativity, but really guys, at 1 in the morning? Cut me some slack! :-)

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